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Reaction Content Type

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A reaction is a quick and often emoji-based way to respond to a message. Reactions are usually limited to a predefined set of emojis or symbols provided by the messaging app.

Install the package

npm i @xmtp/content-type-reaction

Import and register

import {
} from "@xmtp/content-type-reaction";
// Create the XMTP client
const xmtp = await Client.create(signer, { env: "dev" });
// Register the codecs, AttachmentCodec is for handling local attachments under 1MB
xmtp.registerCodec(new ReactionCodec());

Create a reaction

With XMTP, reactions are represented as objects with the following keys:

  • reference: The message ID for the message that is being reacted to

  • action: The action of the reaction (added or removed)

  • content: A string representation of a reaction (e.g. smile) to be interpreted by clients

const reaction = {
reference: someMessageID,
action: "added",
content: "smile",

Send a reaction

Now that you have a reaction, you can send it:

await conversation.send(reaction, {
contentType: ContentTypeReaction,

Receive a reaction

Now that you can send a reaction, you need a way to receive a reaction. For example:

if (message.contentType.sameAs(ContentTypeReaction)) {
// We've got a reaction.
const reaction: Reaction = message.content;

Display the reaction

Generally, reactions should be interpreted as emoji. So, "smile" would translate to 😄 in UI clients. That being said, how you ultimately choose to render a reaction in your app is up to you.

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